Kenny Hollywood, originally known as Kenny Plows, embarked on a vibrant musical journey that took flight in London, UK. His alias was bestowed upon him by the legendary Joe Meek, who selected Kenny to record the iconic “Magic Star,” the vocal rendition of “Telstar.” This collaboration marked a pivotal moment in Kenny’s musical career.
Having been raised by his parents Chas and Grace in Welwyn Garden City (WGC), UK, Kenny’s formative years were marked by a blend of academic pursuits and musical endeavours. His educational path led him through Peartree Junior School, Howard Secondary Modern School, and Oaklands College, all within WGC.
In 1962, Kenny stepped into the spotlight, recording “Magic Star” at RGM Sounds and Decca Recording Studios in London. This single, featuring “The Wonderful Story of Love” on the B side, showcased Kenny’s early musical prowess under the guidance of Geof Goddard.
Life unfolded with its own rhythm as Kenny tied the knot with Sylvia in 1966, creating a beautiful family that included two sons, Dean and Daran. Tragedy struck with Sylvia’s passing in 1988, marking a poignant chapter in Kenny’s life.
His musical journey continued to intertwine with various bands, including The Aristocats, The Young Ones, and Tel Thorne & the Dwellers, where Kenny’s talents resonated from 1960 to 1966. A hiatus followed until Kenny reemerged in the music scene with The Creaking Bones from 1988 to 1992, later evolving into The Bones from 1992 to 1994.
Rekindling the essence of old-school vibes, Kenny reunited with former bandmates to form Bumps in the Night in 1994, a musical endeavour that echoed through to 2007. The melodies didn’t fade as Kenny co-founded the band 3waysplit in 2008, which harmonized until 2014.
In 2014, Kenny embraced a new chapter, relocating to New South Wales, Australia. Embracing the digital age, he established a YouTube channel, ‘kennyhollywood,’ capturing moments and memories for a global audience.
Today, Kenny Hollywood is savouring the tranquillity of retirement in the land of sun and sea, cherishing a lifetime woven with melodies and memories that continue to resonate through his music and the tales he shares.